SME Growth Grant Scheme


Class Optical Limited recently received support in form of funds from the european union for the procurement of machinery to improve our overall manufacturing processes.


In particular the company invested in a Liquid Slurry Disposal and Waste Water Recovery System, a voltage optimiser and an innovative Digi-Lens Printer.


The Liquid Slurry Disposal and Waste Water Recovery System is giving us the advantage of directly reducing water consumption in the manufacturing department as the waste slurry gives us the opportunity to reuse and clean and filtrate the water used in the manufacturing process which in turn will reduce our overall water consumption. This innovative equipment aims to manage waste water from the edging of lenses to allow for landfill disposal and clear liquid, which is then treated further and recycled as second class industrial water. The system in place manages waste water from the edging of lenses to allow for landfilling disposal and clear liquid, provides for further treatment of water for recycling purposes as second class industrial water and handles slurry produced by the Company’s Manufacturing Department with a minimum flow of 500L/hr at approximately 0.4% solids.


The Voltage Optimiser ensures a smooth voltage flow that maximises the efficiency of the lab operations and likewise enables the enterprise to decrease costs. The system provides total phase voltage balancing and effectively filtering harmonics and transients (up to 25,000V) from the supply which is reducing our overall strain on machinery in terms of energy supply related faults and ensures a more constant distribution of voltage balancing resulting in lower maintenance costs, less spare parts, and overall less frequent replacement of any machinery used in the lab.


The project has been finalised and implemented in 2018 and is being co-financed by the European Union under the European Development Regional Fund under the SME Growth Grant Scheme.