Oakley at XTERRA Events 2023


As a proud sponsor of XTERRA Malta, Oakley Eyewear was present at two events to show their support to all athletes participating.


Between the 31st of March and the 2nd of April, Oakley set-up a booth at Golden Bay XTERRA Headquarters for the Trail Run.


On the 6th of May, Oakley once again set-up their booth at the Gozo Trail Run. All athletes were supported with a few Oakley goodies in their racepack as well as a giveaway where they presented one lucky, J. Gatt Coleiro with €700 worth of Oakley merchandise and apparel.


Oakley took this chance to introduce two new eyewear models part of their 'Apology to Runners' Campaign. Oakley has been supporting athletes in a variety of sports for years, but runners were put on the backburner for a while and that is why they intorduced, Actuator and Corridor, two new eyewear models made exclusively for runners, because Oakley knows that Running Sucks, Runners Don't.

As a proud sponsor, Oakley loos forward to further supporting athletes, to help them keep performing at their best.