Eye Care Excellence
We are a unique and specialist organisation involved
in the optical industry with over 40 years of trading experience
World Glaucoma Week is a global initiative by the World Glaucoma Association (WGA) taking place between 10-16th March 2024. The objective of this week is to raise awareness on glaucoma and sight preservation.
Class Optical, is at the forefront of promoting healthy vision and also, the local distributors of Santen, a world leading ophthalmology company dedicated to glaucoma research and treatments, we are fully dedicated to raising awareness on glaucoma, its early detection and preservation of sight.
Therefore, this year, for World Glaucoma Week, we will be participating in various initiatives with healthcare professionals as well as with the general public to support this worldwide awareness campaign.
To show support and be one in World Glaucoma Week, Class Optical organised a ‘Green Jumper Day’ on Tuesday 12th March for all the team at Class Optical to participate in. Green being the signature colour for glaucoma week.
The goal is to raise awareness on the important of the early detection of this disease. We will be taking a group photo which will be posted on the company’s social media platforms as part of the World Glaucoma Week campaign showing our continuous dedication a leading optical company to the preservation of sight.