

Class Optical, commemorating World Sight Day 2021 with the theme ‘Love Your Eyes’, and Zeiss’s 175th  founding  Anniversary,  recently made a donation to the Malta Society of the Blind. 


Joseph Micallef, the Society’s Treasurer, accompanied and guided by Ellie, his very faithful companion, visited Class Optical’s new premises in San Gwann. 


The Corporate donation was further augmented by donations that Zeiss customers were encouraged to make for this purpose at several participating optical outlets.   


More funds were generated by Class Optical from the sale of surplus furniture and fittings on the move to the new offices.  These were also added to the donation amount.  


Mr. Micallef was very appreciative of the generous gesture and has already earmarked the funds to purchase aids for the Society’s members.  These include small gadgets and Braille related materials, which make life easier and more accessible to people with visual impairment. Mr Micallef also described how Braille is still very relevant in today’s era because it gives a blind person more opportunities, in having a different way of reading and writing, other than only listening to audiobooks.


Picture below: Claire Tua representing Class Optical, Joseph Micallef, the Society’s Treasurer, accompanied by Ellie 


Claire Tua representing Class Optical, Joseph Micallef, the Society’s Treasurer, accompanied by Ellie