Eye Care Excellence
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in the optical industry with over 40 years of trading experience
Thirty years after starting its operations in January 1992, the Malta Stock Exchange (MSE) is marking the 100th corporate listing with the admission of a €3,000,000 bond issue by Class Finance plc to the Prospects MTF market.
Trading in the Class Finance plc bonds commenced on 16 February 2022, and the event was marked by the traditional bell ringing event at the Exchange's premises in Valletta on 16 March 2022.
Class Finance plc is the financing arm of Class Optical, an organisation which operates in the provision of a full spectrum of optical products and services to the optical retail sector.
MSE Chairman Joseph Portelli welcomed the board of directors and the CEO of Class Finance plc and congratulated them on being the 100th company currently raising capital on the Exchange.
Class Optical Group started growing around 40 years ago when Mr Cyril Gabarretta and Mr Robert Tua started opening the first chain of optical stores. Since then, he added, the group continued to grow and has now also expanded with operations in Morocco and Libya, underpinning the group's international growth.
Mr Grech concluded by thanking the MSE team and Calamatta Cuschieri who were the corporate advisors for the issue, for their professional service and for making this issue a success.
The above is an extract of the articel published by malta independent, the full article can be found here.
Detailed information on the Bonds can be found in the investor section of our website.
Mr Cyril Gabaretta and Mr Robert Tua, the original founders of the company, rang the bell at the MSE building.